"...Of Times Past"
Mixed media on black Clairefontaine paper. 50cm x 70cm.
"Dotty" by name and nature. Soft pastels and pastel pencil on Clairefontaine Pastelmat. 40cm x 30cm.
"Intent" Soft pastels and pastel pencil on Clairefontaine Pastelmatt. 40cm x30cm.
Watercolour on Canson multimedia paper. A3.
"Time out"
Coloured pencil and a touch of acrylic on Clairefontaine pastelmat. 40cm x 30cm.
"Calm before the Storm"
Acrylic on black paper. A4.
Watercolour, Gouache and Conte sketching pencils on Clairefontaine Maya black paper. 50 cm x 70 cm.
"On a Limb"
Acrylic, pastel pencil and carbon pencil on black Clairefontaine Maya paper. 70cm x 50cm.
"Patience is a..........Virtue?"
Conte sketching pencils on Clairefontaine Maya Black paper.
50cm x 70cm.
Snow Leopard
Soft pastels and pastel pencils on Clairefontaine pastelmat.
30cm x 40cm.
A bit of an experiment.
First attempt with soft pastels on Clairefontaine pastelmat.
30 x 40 cms.
Acrylic and white conte on black paper. A4 sketchbook.
Acrylics and Conte crayon on black paper.
70cm x 50cm.
"Amur Leopard"
Watercolours and coloured pencil on Canson paper. A3.
Watercolours, coloured pencil and some inks on Canson mix media.
"Staying Focussed"
Ink and Conte sketching pencil on black Clairefontaine Maya paper.
70cm x 50cm
"Love and Affection"
Acrylic, Gouache and Conte crayon on black paper.
24" x 19".
"Among the Shadows"
Acrylics, pastels and Conte crayon on black Clairefontaine Maya. 70cm x 50cm.
"A Binding Contract"
Coffee and inks on Clairefontaine Maya paper. A4.
"Bald Eagle"
Acrylics pastels and charcoal on black Clairefontaine Maya.
70cm x 50cm.
"Moorland Life"
Acrylics, charcoal and Conte on black Clairefontaine Maya paper. 70cm x 50cm.
"Little Egret"
Acrylics, charcoal and Conte crayon on Clairefontaine Maya black paper. 70cm x 50cm
"Ain't We A Pair"
Acrylics, charcoal and Conte crayon on Clairefontaine Maya black paper. 70cm x 50cm
"Angolan King"
Acrylics, charcoal and Conte crayon. 70cm x 50cm
Acrylics, ink and charcoal on black paper. A4.
"Dalmation Pelican"
Acrylic, Gouache and charcoal on black paper. A3.
"Young, Free & Cygnet"
Acrylic, charcoal and white Conte
on black paper. A3
Charcoal, carbon, pastel, sepia and sanguine on
Bristol board.
"Keeping the Secret"
My first attempt at charcoal on canvas.
It really is more of a painting because I would say a good 90% of it was done with a brush.
The only difference is that it was a dry medium.
Size; 50cm x 40cm
"Bald Eagle"
20" x 16"
"Cold Comfort"
Acrylics and charcoal on black paper. A3.
"Night Caller"
Acrylic, charcoal and carbon on black paper.
"Fisher Lady"
Acrylics on canvas
Size; A3 sort of size
"Here She Comes"
Oils on MDF board
Size; 24" x 20"
Oils on board
20" x 16"
"The Look"
Oils on MDF board
Size; 24" by 20"
Oils on canvas
16" x 12"
"Queen Of The Erme"
Oils on MDF board
Size; 24" by 20"
"Miss Sumatra"
Acrylics on MDF board
Size; 24" by 20"
"Western Lowland Gorilla"
Acrylics on MDF board
Size; 24" by 20"
I came across some old watercolours I did about 15 years ago, tucked away and forgotten. This one's Mum and Daughter Black Rhinos and is about 15 or 16 inches square.